Some basic commands that I have found useful in managing an ASR9K / IOS-XR device. This page is likely to grow and change over time.
Clear ARP
clear arp-cache <interface> <IPv4 addr> location all
show bgp all unicast summary
BGP Routes
show bgp ipv[4/6] unicast neighbors <neighbor> received route
show bgp ipv[4/6] unicast advertised neighbor <neighbor>
show bgp ipv[4/6] unicast summary
show bgp ipv[4/6] unicast summary
clear bgp ipv[4/6] unicast <neighbor> soft in
show bgp all unicast summary
show bgp ipv[4/6] unicast bestpath-compare
show flow exporter <exporter> location 0/RSP0/CPU0
Show all hardware linecards
show hw-module fpd location all