Useful .zshrc formulas for network engineers

Useful .zshrc formulas for network engineers

mac will take a MAC address input and provide multiple formats for use on differing systems

mac() {
    if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
        echo "Usage: format_mac <MAC>"
        return 1

    # Remove all non-hex characters
    mac=$(echo "$1" | tr -d ':-.')

    if [[ ${#mac} -ne 12 ]]; then
        echo "Invalid MAC address format."
        return 1

    # Standard colon-separated format (AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
    mac_colon=$(echo "$mac" | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/:$//')

    # Cisco format (AAAA.BBBB.CCCC)
    mac_cisco=$(echo "$mac" | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)/\1\2./g; s/\.$//')

    # Microsoft dash-separated format (AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF)
    mac_dash=$(echo "$mac" | sed 's/\(..\)/\1-/g; s/-$//')

    # CatOS format (AAAAAA-BBBBBB)
    mac_catos=$(echo "$mac" | sed 's/\(......\)/\1-/; s/-$//')

    echo "Standard  : $mac_colon"
    echo "Cisco IOS : $mac_cisco"
    echo "Microsoft : $mac_dash"
    echo "CatOS     : $mac_catos"

Print all network info on given interfaces

#netinfo - shows network information for your system
allnets ()
echo "--------------- Network Information ---------------"
/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $2}'
/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'Bcast/ {print $3}'
/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $4}'
/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'HWaddr/ {print $4,$5}'
/sbin/ifconfig | awk /inet6\ /'{print $2}'
echo "---------------Global Addressing--------------------"
#myip=`lynx -dump -hiddenlinks=ignore -nolist | sed '/^$/d; s/^[ ]*//g; s/[ ]*$//g' `
myip=`curl -s | cut -f2 -d,`
myip6=`curl -s | cut -f2 -d,`
echo "My global IPv4 address is ${myip}"
echo "My global IPv6 address is ${myip6}"
echo "---------------------------------------------------"

netinfo ()
echo "---------------Global Addressing--------------------"
myip=`curl -s | cut -f2 -d,`
myip6=`curl -s | cut -f2 -d,`
echo "My global IPv4 address is ${myip}"
echo "My global IPv6 address is ${myip6}"
echo "---------------------------------------------------"

netinfo prints the preferred interfaces IPv4 and IPv6 addresses based on a query to a public API. Requires internet access. This will display the external IPv4 NAT address, which may be useful for troubleshooting access rules on far end systems or intermediary ACLs.

allnets will print all network addres information on all interfaces, including IPv6 link local addresses.

Also available as a gist here