Juniper interface type naming convention

I found most of this on a web page somewhere tha tI can’t seem to find again. Below are some common useful junos tidbits regarding routing tables and interface types/names:

JunOS CLI supports the basic grep command (like | include) so any show commands can be grepped. I believe the grep command implies the -i flag for case insensitivity.

The routing table is presented in such a way to group types of routes.

inet.0 is the ipv4 unicast routing table

inet.1 is the ipv4 multicast routing table

inet.3 is the MPLS routing table

inet6.0 is the ipv6 routing table

Juniper interface types

Most common ones you’ll probably see:

fe: Fast Ethernet 100Base-TX (Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps).

fxp0: Management and internal Ethernet The management Ethernet interface is an out-of-band management interface within the routing platform.

fxp1: Interface that connects the routing engine and packet forwarding engine.

xe: 1GE optical interface on ex switches

ge: Gigabit and 10gigabit Ethernet. Includes Gigabit Ethernet IQ interfaces.

me0: - out of band management interface on ex switches

lo: Loopback This interface is internally generated. The logical interface lo0.16383 is a non-configurable interface for routing platform control traffic.

vcp: - virtual chassis interface (EX4200 only)

Other ones you may run into:

ae: Aggregated Ethernet A virtual aggregated link.

as: Aggregated SONET/SDH A virtual aggregated link.

at: ATM1 or ATM2 IQ Asynchronous Transfer Mode

cau4: Channelized AU-4 IQ Configured on the Channelized STM-1 IQ PIC.

coc1: Channelized OC-1 IQ Configured on the Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC.

coc12: Channelized OC-12 IQ Configured on the Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC.

cstm1: Channelized STM-1 IQ Configured on the Channelized STM-1 IQ PIC.

ce1: Channelized E1 IQ Configured on the Channelized E1 IQ PIC or Channelized STM-1 IQ PIC.

ct1: Channelized T1 IQ Configured on the Channelized DS-3 IQ PIC or Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC.

ct3: Channelized T3 IQ Configured on the Channelized DS-3 IQ PIC or Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC.

cp: Collector Configured on the Monitoring Services II PIC.

ds: DS-0 Configured on the Channelized DS-3 to DS-0 PIC, Channelized E1 PIC, Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC,

dsc: Discard Allows you to identify the ingress point of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

e1: E1 Includes the channelized STM-1 to E1 interfaces.

e3: E3 Includes the E3 IQ interfaces.

es: Encryption, Allows you to configure a security association (SA) name with a logical interface.

gr: Generic Route Encapsulation tunnel Allows you to configure a unicast tunnel using GRE encapsulation.

gre: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

ip: IP-over-IP encapsulation tunnel Allows you to configure a unicast tunnel using IP-IP encapsulation.

ipip: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

ls: Link services Supports bundles that contain links.

lsi: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

ml: Multilink Includes Multilink Frame Relay and Multilink PPP.

mo: Monitoring services Includes the monitoring services and monitoring services
II interfaces: The logical interface mo-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, non-configurable interface for routing platform control traffic.

mt: Multicast tunnel Internal routing platform interface for VPNs.

mtun: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

oc3: OC-3 IQ Configured on the Channelized OC-12 IQ PIC.

pe: This interface is present on the first-hop routing platform. Encapsulates packets destined for the rendezvous point (RP) routing platform.

pd: This interface is present on the RP De-encapsulates packets at the RP.

pimd: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

pime: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

rlsq: - a redundant bundle interface, made of two or more lsq interface. If you have redundant AS Pics.

se: Serial Includes the EIA-530, V.35, and X.21 interfaces.

so: SONET/SDH Both are widely used methods for very high speed transmission of voice and data signals across the numerous world-wide fiber-optic networks.

sp: Adaptive services The logical interface sp-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, non-configurable interface for routing platform control traffic.

t1: T1 Includes the channelized DS-3 to DS-1 interfaces.

t3: T3 Includes the channelized OC-12 to DS-3 interfaces.

tap: Internally generated This interface is internally generated and is not configurable.

vsp: Voice services, The Adaptive Services (AS) Physical Interface Card (PIC) supports the compressed real-time transport protocol (RTP) on this interface.

vt: Virtual loopback tunnel On routing platforms equipped with a Tunnel PIC, enables egress filtering.

Other interesting terminology regarding the juniper architecture is the module layout:

RE: Routing Engine, Like a cisco supervisor module. Central brains of the system

PFE: Packet forwarding Engine. Controls the data packet forwarding of the system.

SCB: Switch control board. Contains ASICs that handle route lookups and memory management.

PIC: Physical interface card. Sort of like a port, but can contain multiple interfaces.

FPC: Flexible PIC concentrator. Like a linecard that has module slots. Can handle different types of PICs
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