I’ve had a co-located server in one way or another for the last 11 years. From hosting a bare metal box at the ISP I worked for for a while, to sharing a bare metal box at a colo provider to switching to a VPS service, I’ve always had an “offsite box”.
I just wanted to post a quick “these guys are great” comment to my current VPS provider, ARP Networks. Not only do they have native IPv6, they also don’t oversell their VPS hosts and have unparalleled customer service and reliability. I’ve had bad, bad, bad hosting service and I’ve had mediocre hosting service, and without question, I’m the happiest with ARP Networks.
If you’re in the market for a VPS, check them out. Great pricing, fantastic customer service and a solid, reliable product make them the cream of the crop in this guys’s opinion.
As a data point, I get no benefit from evangelizing their service, I just think it’s that good.