Using a Brocade MLXe as a replicator to an IDS

Have you ever needed to replicate a lot of data transparently to an IDS without the use of a rack of optical taps?  Not enough budget for a Gigamon or cPacket?  Have a spare MLXe laying around?  you’re in luck, we were in that boat too. Let me first preface this by saying that this would be fairly trivial using OpenFlow / SDN.  That being said, we didn’t have the time to set that up, so this is what we came with.

This would also work using an input interface of 100G, but of course the flows would be limited to 10G. How this works is pretty simple, it just uses a policy based route to direct the flow of traffic out of the desired aggregate interface.  In this real world use case that this was built for, the destination was a Bro cluster, consuming as much of the data as possible.  The config on a brocade is pretty similar to Cisco IOS if you’re not familiar, but the VLAN bits are a tad different (actually more intuitive in my opinion).  Here are the bits to make all of this work: Create the vlans and tag them appropriately
mlxe8# conf t mlxe8(config)# vlan 100 mlxe8(config-vlan-100)# untag ethernet 1/1 mlxe8(config-vlan-100)# transparent-hw-flooding mlxe8(config-vlan-100)# router-interface ve 100 mlxe8(config)# vlan 101 mlxe8(config-vlan-101)# untag ethernet 4/1 mlxe8(config-vlan-101)# untag ethernet 4/10 mlxe8(config-vlan-101)# router-interface ve 101 mlxe8(config-vlan-101)#exit mlxe8(config)#interface ve 100 mlxe8(config-vlan-100)#ip policy route-map PBR-TRAFFIC mlxe8(config-vlan-100)#ip access-group pbr-traffic-acl
mlxe8(config)#interface ve 101
mlxe8(config)#ip address
Enable all of the interfaces.
mlxe8(config)#interface ethernet 4/1
mlxe8(config)#interface ethernet 4/10
Create the LAG.
mlxe8(config)# lag “IDS” static
   mlxe8(config)#ports ethernet 4/1 to 410
   mlxe8(config)#primary-port 41
     Create the PBR ACL bits. This can also be done to filter types of traffic using more complex ACLs  if so desired
    mlxe8(config)#access-list pbr-traffic-acl permit ip any any
mlxe8(config)#route-map PBR-TRAFFIC permit 1
mlxe8(config)#match ip address pbr-traffic-acl 
mlxe8(config)#set ip next-hop
Create a static ARP entry to tie it all together. 
arp c0ff.eec0.ffee ethernet 1/1
That’s it, let the security folks drink from the firehose.  =)
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