Scripting the build of OpenDayight Controller under CentOS

Jon Langemak has a great write up on building the OpenDaylight controller under CentOS. Since I’ll have to do this a bunch of times, I though tI’d take what he so generously put online and build a very rudimentary script for deploying ODC under CentOS. The prerequisites are that you already have an account and ssh key at the OpenDaylight GIT repo and that you disable SELinux. Here is the script:


Install Opendaylight controller under CentOS

by nick [at]

Based on post by Jon Langemak (

yum=“/usr/bin/yum” servivce=“/sbin/service” chkconfig=“/sbin/chkconfig” echo “*********************“ echo “******************“ echo “Disable SELINUX before starting this process” echo “Edit the /etc/selinux/config file and restart the server” echo “******************“ echo “******************“ echo “Change the username in the GIT section to your own” echo “you’ll need to create it and upload” echo “your ssh key at” echo “******************“ echo “******************“ echo “******************“ echo “Installing Development tools and other deps” echo “******************“ yum install -y wget vim java ant python eclipse-platform git yum groupinstall -y “Development tools”A echo “******************“ echo “Downloading and installing maven” echo “******************“ wget unzip -d /usr/share/ ln -s /usr/share/apache-maven-3.0.5/bin/mvn /usr/bin/mvn echo “******************“ echo “Downloading GIT code” echo “*********************”

Change the username here to your own, you’ll need to create it and upload

your ssh key at

mkdir -p /services/opendaylight/ cd /services/opendaylight/ git clone echo “*********************“ echo “Building OpenDaylight Controller with Maven” echo “******************“ cd controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight/ mvn clean install echo “******************“ echo “Configure Java Env variables” echo “******************“ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 echo “JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64” >> /etc/environment echo “******************“ echo “Load the controller” echo “******************“ cd /services/opendaylight/controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight/target/distribution.opendaylight-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-osgipackage/opendaylight echo “******************“ echo “Start OpenDaylight OF controller” echo “*********************” ./

Once up and running, it’s pretty trivial to point something like an HP switch at the controller. For an HP5400, just decide what VLAN(s) you want to use OpenFlow on. I chose 999 as my test VLAN.
sw-5400-of# conf t
sw-5400-of(config)# vlan 999 name test-openflow999
sw-5400-of(vlan-999)# untagged A3-A4
sw-5400-of(vlan-999)# exit
sw-5400-of(config)# openflow vlan 999
sw-5400-of(openFlow vlan-999)# enable
sw-5400-of(openFlow vlan-999)# controller “tcp:”
sw-5400-of(openFlow vlan-999)# exit
sw-5400-of(openFlow)# exit
w-5400-of(config)# exit
sw-5400-of# show openflow
sw-5400-of# show openflow
 Openflow Configuration
  Openflow aggregate VLANs [Disabled] :
  Openflow aggregate management VlanId [0] : 0
  Openflow second aggregate management VlanId [0] : 0
  Openflow aggregate configuration VlanId [0] : 0
  VID  State HW  Active controller Pseudo-URL                       Conn

666 Off On No 999 On On tcp: Yes

From here we can see the box in the openflow controller.    

Screen Shot 2013-05-03 at 4.20.03 PM

  I’m still having some issues pushing flows, I’m sure I can work it out but here is a quick screencast of me trying to push a flow.  More posts will be added as soon as I can get the flows to push correctly. I suspect it is user error and I just need to read the docs.  More to come for sure.  This controller is very, very slick.