Anyone that looks at this site with any regularity may have noticed that I have been pretty remiss in adding posts - for that I apologize, things have been busy. However, I have not been absent in the tech world…quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve been spending more and more time on podcasts and other forms of tech media which I have not provided links for here. So, to help expose that, here are a few of the other media resources I’ve been popping up in. Professionally I’ve been spending a lot of my time testing things like segment routing, software routing stacks for disaggregated routing, DDoS detection and DDoS mitigation.
In the free time I would typically spend in my home lab, I’ve become enamored with Wireless ISPs and how they work. I’d done some WISP work off and on over the years but it was primarily focused on L3 - I’ve gone deeper and started learning about more RF strategy and detail as well as delved pretty deeply into a fair amount of the gear details. There is some crazy good, innovative stuff going on in this space and it happily hums along well outside of the hype engines that are the juggernauts of hyperscale data center and enterprise networking. I find it a refreshing change from the marketing machine of the mainstream networking industry, representing more of what the real world of being a smaller service provider is like (which is where I got started, so there is an amount of nostalgic comfort there), and there are folks out there are serious use cases for things like SR and disaggregated routing just waiting to be tested.
In addition, I’ve been involved in a few projects regarding security and DDoS detection and mitigation (CoreFlow) that have been pretty interesting, one of which which I recently presented on at TNC 17 in Linz, Austria. Slides can be found here. More information can be found on the project CoreFlow in the published paper here. I’ll probably talk more about this project focused on ISP DDoS detection and mitigation as the code matures, but feel free to contact me with questions/comments.
Packet Fabric Podcast on
Also see Ivan’s page for Software Gone wild for more podcasts (both that I have been involved in and other good content)
Brothers WISP Video on the basics of DNS (see also NIX for NetEng DNS, or NIX for NetEng address tools)