
Feb. 20, 2025

IPB169 - 10 Years of the UK IPv6 Council

The UK IPv6 Council is one of the longest running non-profit technology user groups promoting and sharing best practices on IPv6 deployment and adoption. On this episode of IPv6-Buzz we speak with Veronika McKillop, President of the UK IPv6 Council about their 10 year history and what is planned for the future.

Feb. 7, 2025

IPB168 - Deploying IPv6-Only Wi-Fi at the SC24 Conference

I’ve written and talked about SCinet many times in the past. As a 20 year emeritus engineer having worked within every group within SCinet, this was a really personally satisfying podcast for me. In this episode of IP Buzz, we talk through the details of deploying IPv6 mostly as defined by RFC 8925 with Tom Costello of Argonne National Lab. Listen here or subscribe at the link above.

Jan. 23, 2025

IPB167 - Crossing the 50% IPv6 Adoption Threshold

Well! New year, new podcast. I’ve been fortunate enough to move from “most frequent guest” to full-on co-host of IPv6Buzz, and I am pretty freakin’ stoked if I am being completely honest! We’re out of the gate with a bang, too. This first podcast of 2025 (and first with me as a co-host) is diving right in with some bold predictions: IPv6 adoption should cross 50% in 2025. We discuss the implications and significance of IPv6 adoption reaching this milestone.

Aug. 25, 2023

PODCAST: MODEM.show; The road not-so-less traveled

Over the last few years I have pulled back from the social networks and refocused in a way that has allowed for more time not doing tech. Overall this has been an extremely healthy choice that has only strengthened my desire to learn new things, experience different ways of thinking, and expand my overall vision past technical endeavors. This has led to some enlightening thoughts surrounding how not hyper-focusing on one thing is, in reality, a very good thing overall, and contrary to what social media may imply, will only serve your overall well being, which in turn can fuel passion toward things that can actually be beneficial career-wise.

Jul. 14, 2023

PODCAST: MODEM.show, DHCP option 108

Over the last year there has been a slow hum, quietly building around the notion of building what has been called an “IPv6-mostly” network. What does this term mean? How do we do it? Why bother? Well, let me attempt to answer those questions. First, what is IPv6-mostly? Thankfully, it is pretty much what it sounds like - a network segment (i.e. a LAN segment) that is mostly IPv6, and only legacy IPv4 where it has to be.

Sep. 1, 2018

As a small to medium ISP, why you should deploy IPv6

IPv6 has been a crusade of mine for well over a decade. Wether it is teaching IPv6 workshops, offering advice to new users, answering questions, or evangelizing it ad nauseam, it is an important topic to me. The ISP world holds a special place in my heart since a good deal of my early experience came from building or assisting regional ISPs. Recently I had a fun opportunity to talk about deploying IPv6 on The Brothers WISP podcast.